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Projects in the making: – new html and css code

The current versions of my linkguides, and is having problems with the navigation on mobile devices and the codebase is different for each guide. The current navigation is simply taking up to much space in mobile view. So to correct that, I plan to make use of Bootstraps 5 features for getting a navigation that works well (or at least better) on tablets and mobile devices as well as desktops. While I’m at it, I’m also planning to update the grid from using the Masonry Grid and instead use the Masonry feature in Bootstrap 5. Currently I’m also learning to use SASS with Bootstrap 5, so I’m also planning to incorporate this in the project.
I’m planning to use this project as the final exam project for my Frontend Webdeveloper education at Grit Academy.
Project status: Under development – WordPress website

Updating my personal website – to the latest version of WordPress and create a CV shop based on the functionalities in WooCommerce were interested employers can read more about my working skills.
To try out different kinds of web/digital analytics tools, I will start out by using Google Analytics – installation through Google Tag Manager. Down the line I might try out other analytics solutions like Piwick Pro, Matomo and Open Web Analytics. But HEY, one step at the time.

WordPress Theme: Understrap – Combining the WordPress Underscore Starter Theme and the CSS framework Bootstrap 5. A special thanks to Rob Howard at Understrap for providing the course in how to customize the Understrap theme.


Status: Published


The design for the customized WordPress Theme – Understrap is currently in the making using Figma.
Status: Published

Customized WordPress Theme: Understrap

When I’ve finished an okay customization of the Understrap theme, I’ll provide a link to the project on my GitHub profile.
Status: Published

Content production

Working on my digital CV/Resume where I’m more in depth is describing my work experience, educations, skills and certifications.
Status: In progress / Continues improvement/development